Frequently Asked Questions

What are the services and products offered by Madgical Techdom?

Madgical Techdom offers consulting, training and team augmentation for technical teams. We currently focus on Data Engineering, DevOps and JS based full stack development.

What kind of consulting services does Madgical Techdom offer?

Madgical Techdom offers consulting, training and team augmentation for technical teams. At the moment, our main interests lie in Data Engineering, DevOps, and JS-based full stack development.

Can Madgical Techdom train my internal team?

We offer multiple training programs for both freshers and experienced team members. 

What is the scope of the trainings you offer?

For maximum efficiency with technical expertise, the training programmes also include crucial soft skills. In this regard, we might think about such areas as communication, monitoring of output, time management, record keeping, analysis of causes, testing, and quality.

When can I interview freshers to onboard on my team?

We do not onboard freshers directly. All our freshers are trained in basics of technology and productive work practices. We work with teams to create a pipeline where these freshers can quickly pick up specific skills and processes required to be productive on the target team/project. We take full responsibility for the first 3-6 months to get productive work delivered and allow you to onboard after watching the discipline and productivty over 3-6 months to make sure you are 100% confident of your decision.

Why are processes, documentation important?

Documentation, processes, proper analysis of an issue, proper design, proper implementation, review and testing provides quality both in short term and in long term. Any shortcut taken due to lethargy or delivery pressure raises the risk of re-work by 2-3 times. Rework is costly, both in terms of time and customer value. 

Do processes and documentation really speed up work? My team thinks otherwise!

Lack of documentation and practices makes it difficult to develop and replace team members. It causes bottlenecks in development cycles that are difficult to overcome.
Teams, especially senior members, argue for less documentation by citing time constraints, but after many failures, everyone has learned that there is no easy way out. These quick fixes seldom last and always require additional labour and more time spent debugging and fixing problems.