Empowering Educators: Leveraging BigQuery and Data Studio for EdTech Success

Explore how BigQuery and Data Studio drive actionable insights in the EdTech sector, transforming raw data into impactful strategies for educational advancement.

Problem Statement

Our EdTech NGO client, serving over 10K+ students, struggled with manual data audits using Google Sheets. This process consumed significant time and effort, hampering progress tracking and reporting capabilities. Tracking student progress and analyzing data proved to be time-consuming.


Time Consuming


Manual work

BigQuery and Data Studio

Our Solution

We improved our client’s data management using BigQuery and Data Studio. This automation streamlined audits, offering real-time insights and simplified reporting. The solution boosted efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility for tracking student progress and decision-making.

Time-saving Data Transformation

The implementation of BigQuery and Data Studio significantly reduced manual data processing time, allowing Operational team to focus on more value-added tasks.

Streamlined Reporting Processes

It streamlined reporting processes by consolidating data sources, enabling our client to generate comprehensive reports efficiently and effectively.

Enhanced Accuracy in Tracking Student Progress

It improved the accuracy of tracking student progress by providing a centralized and up-to-date repository of student data.

Increased Accessibility & Readability

Our solution enhanced accessibility to data by providing stakeholders with user-friendly dashboards and reports

Scalable Solution for Future Growth

Our scalable solution adapts to client growth and evolving data needs, ensuring long-term efficiency.

Instantaneous Real-Time Insights

Enabled BigQuery integration for instant data access, empowering educators and enhancing outcomes.

BigQuery and Data Studio

Solution Technical Stack

Our solution stack for EdTech leverages the power of BigQuery and Data Studio.

Final Outcomes

Our solution transformed EdTech client’s data management. With a 100% cut in manual processing time, we streamlined tracking and reporting for 10,000+ students, ensuring accurate, accessible, and scalable educational data management for long-term success.


Increase in performance


Removal of manual work

BigQuery and Data Studio

Ready to get started?

If you’re facing the same challenges and need our help, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.